LESSON 1 - Part B:  Person Type, Gender & Globals

Exclusion With Pizzazz

Clone another wood door, name it thezapper.iff, mark it as a test object, and then close out of Tmog.

Open IFF and bring in your zapper door. Select the BHAV tab, and once again we'll work with behavior #4107: "figure out if door can open".  Double click that behavior to open it. This time we're going to exclude everyone except for males.

You should be able to do this on your own, but because this is the first lesson, and because I'm such a NICE Grapholina, I'm going to do the step-by-step thing anyway. So no moaning and groaning. Just throw money.

Okay, then. Select statement 0, and then look at the Data box.

Fig. 1.37

And, yes. Our test reverse orientation statement is still #4115. Funny how it hasn't changed, right? Write it down if you need to.

We want statement 0 to test for males going through the door, so change the Data box for statement 0 to read as follows:

Fig. 1.38