LESSON 1 - Part B:  Person Type, Gender & Globals

Time to test (continued)

Because we are testing with so many types of Sims, place the doors all through the house. In other words, we want to make sure we catch the Sims both coming and going. All of them. Including pets.

Warning: If you are testing with a family or families you often play, do NOT save your game on exit.

Note:  If you are going to continue to hack objects on a regular basis, I'd like you to take a tip from me. Please. Go into a neighborhood that you do not use, and create a couple of families (or three) that contain at least one of everything: lady, man, girl, boy, cats female and male, and dogs male and female. Make their personalities diverse. Use the families for all testing purposes. My favorite family is called The Testers. Edgar, Olivia, Hector, Violet, Fifi, Juke, Fluffy and Spot. The Testers also had a parrot at one time, but it got killed in a terrible experiment. And please do not copy, clone, or redistribute my names. They are copyrighted doncherknow.

We covered quite a bit of ground this week, and you should have a good understanding of females and males, adults and children.

That's it for today. Please spend some time looking at globals this week, and we'll meet up again next Saturday. Don't forget to pick up your assignment!

Until then,