Skills - second method (continued)
We will be creating an action tree and check tree for each of our skills and
putting them right there in the chair's tree table alongside the Sit command.
In this way, the player will be able to choose what skill their Sim can acquire,
and when.
Go back to BHAV so that we can start creating the behaviors our chair will
provide; and as I mentioned earlier, we will not be using all of them. Mainly
because this is a lot of work and we don't have a lot of time.
Our first skill to add will be for Cooking. Please keep your Code Book close
by. We will also duplicate behaviors instead of writing them from scratch to save
time, and we will add them slightly different in order than what Maxis has. Because
I say so.
First let's look at our BHAV section. Notice that the last existing behavior
here is #4109.
Fig. 1.41
We want to start numbering the behaviors we add with the next available
number which in this case is #4110. And I also want to give you the order in which
we will add before we do anything else.
sit core
sit function
Sit in Chair test
And, because this exercise can be pretty darned confusing, we're going to stick
to the conventional names for the behaviors. You'll see what I mean in a minute.