Lesson 3:  Interests & Skill Bar

Interests  (continued)

In preparing to work we only need to know just a few things.

  • Which behaviors are of use to us (4102, 4103, 4104, 4105 and 4109)

  • Which statements do the job we are after (inside behavior #4109 as shown in Fig. 1.4 and 1.5)

  • Are there any globals involved here

The answer to the last query is yes, of course. Inside behavior #4109, scroll to statement 22:

Fig. 1.7

Show skill progress is Global #286, and this, folks, is the scripting for showing the skill bar over the Sim's head. Write all the pertinent information down for later use, and we'll push on.

Close out of IFF. You can save your file or not — we haven't modified anything yet. Open Far Out, navigate to your Sims folder and then to GameData > Global > Global.far, and extract the Global.iff file to a safe folder. You should already have a "work" copy of this file somewhere on your computer from previous lessons, but if you don't, go ahead and extract a copy now.

Close Far Out, launch IFF, and then open your Global.iff file. Scroll to #286, right click over it and choose "Export" from the menu. Your export settings should be these:

Fig. 1.8