Time To Test
Save your file and go test the bookcase. Make sure that Sims can earn their
Travel and The 60's interest points. When you return, we'll add more interest
learning abilities to the bookcase. Some of them, anyway.
Additional Interests
Before we proceed, if your Bookcase worked properly, please save a copy right
now to your "holding" folder. You're regret it big time if you don't.
Any of you have thoughts on how to provide the ability to earn the rest of
the interests for the Sims? There are several ways we can do this, but we're going
to opt for the easy way out. Sort of. Aw alright, have it your way. There's really
no easy way of doing this, but we're gonna go for it anyway because we're
mean, lean, hacking machines (or organisms) and because we have to do it. Also,
I should point out that as of right now you can kiss the baby stuff good-bye.
Let's not think about the confusing part just yet, and instead we'll concentrate
on adding some more behaviors to deal with interests. The first thing we want
to do is clean up our behaviors. Right now the ones dealing with Travel and The
60's refer to cooking and mechanical and that's just a bit too sloppy for my tastes.
Go to the BHAV section of your bookcase, right click on Behavior #4102: "Read
Cookbook", select "Properties" and change it so that it reads:
Fig. 1.26
Do the same for Behaviors #4103, 4104 and 4105 so that they read appropriately.
When you're done, your BHAV section should look "something" like this:
Fig. 1.27