Lesson 3:  Interests & Skill Bar

Additional Interests

Let's go through the instruction statements for both Travel and 60's so we can compare them. Take a deep breath, a potty break if you need one, and maybe get some coffee or power drink while you're at it. And most importantly — Focus!

The Travel Interest Point routine begins with statement #5 and technically ends with statement #28, the dialog messages. There are two additional lines for Travel (statements 29 and 30) which are not found in the routine for The 60's. I am not sure why this is, and since I'm not certain, I'm going to make sure all of our added routines have these two extras.

The 60's Interest Point routine begins with statement #31 and ends with statement #54.

I have prepared clean screenshots of each routine, and what I'd like you to do is print each one out now and put them in front of you, side by side, so you can look at them and compare while I run through the statements for each routine.

Go to the next page now and print it out.