Lesson 3:  Interests & Skill Bar

Additional Interests

Add ID #12. This is the last one and the third one for Politics so it should look like ID 6. The result:

Fig. 1.50

There, that should do it for Music and Politics. We could probably make the "studying" time go faster by fiddling with these values, but we'll leave that for another day because we have so much more to do. Click OK to close out of the editor, and let's get back to the BHAV section.

Open Behavior (gulp) #4109. Aw shoot. This really isn't bad. Boring and confusing, yes. Bad? Depends how you look at it. Either way, we're going to quit making such a big deal about a bunch of tiny statements and get this mess over with.

We're going to duplicate lots and lots of statements. More precisely, we'll be duplicating all the statements belonging to the second routine — the one for The 60's. However, before we do so, we need to fix the second routine so that it looks just like the first, and then we'll duplicate the second routine and create from that one, the routines we'll tack on (Music and Politics).

Huh? What?! (you shout at me)

Don't worry. Just follow along and you'll start seeing the light soon enough.

Fixing the 60's Routine:

Select statement #4, right click over it and select "Duplicate" from the menu. Your new statement will be down at the very bottom and will be labeled as #55:

Fig. 1.51

This is he beginning statement for Travel, so it is referencing Constant 4097:1. However, we copied it so we can modify it and use it as the beginning statement for the 60's. Pay attention to the returns this statement has. It is jumping to the next line if true and if false it is supposed to go to the next routine which supposedly starts with statement #31. Fine. First we'll change it so that it shows Constant 4097:2 (where the 60's info will be stored).