Lesson 3:  Interests & Skill Bar

Additional Interests

For the next part of the exercise, I'll need your full attention. I will be providing you with screenshots only until I feel you should be able to follow along without the little guys taking up so much space on my page. Oh! And a serious word of caution:

Be very careful when selecting "Duplicate" from the menu so that you don't accidentally select "rewrite". Making such a mistake will give you a great big fright. Unless you're into heart attacks, in which case it'll be okay. But if you do accidentally click on Rewrite, don't panic. Simply find the statement you were working with and keep on truckin'.

We'll start at the beginning of the second routine (the 60's).

Duplicate #31. Your new statement will be #58 and will look like this:

Fig. 1.59

Statement #58 is the beginning of our third routine — Music and it must store information in Constant 4097:4.  Not the next one line 4097:3 because earlier we determined that was already in use. Remember? If not, look at your notes.

Statement #58 should still be selected, so switch to the Data box, and let's change a few things around. Make your box look like mine, and then I'll explain why.

Fig. 1.60

We made the True line return 59 because this statement indeed will should jump to #59 if true. However, since we don't yet know what the beginning of the next routine is, we'll just stick another 59 into the False line for now and flag it by making some type of mark either in our notebook or on the printout to remind us to come back later and correct this return. Got that?