Lesson 3:  Interests & Skill Bar

Additional Interests

Duplicate #33. The duplicate will become #60. This statement is talking about the 60's, but we're in the Music routine so we'll need to make that change. The code for Music is 52. We'll also change the returns. Make your Data box look like this one:

Fig. 1.64

Statement 60 should look like this:

Fig. 1.65

Make sure you reference your printout often and check off each one after we duplicate it, so that you won't lose your place.

Duplicate #34. The duplicate statement will be #61 and will return 62/Error. The return lines are the only things we are changing in the Data box.

Fig. 1.66

Statement #61:

Fig. 1.67

Don't forget to put a check mark by #34 on the printout to remind you that you've already duplicated that one. I won't be reminding you again.