Additional Interests
Look at the Strings Editor:
Fig. 1.97
#0 is being used for the Travel message.
#1 is our message Title.
#2 is being used for The 60's message.
#3 through #9 are in use for other things.
This means that if we add a routine, we'll have to use from #10 on. Anything
before #10 is already occupied. And so, the reason we specified id# for music
over in our statement #82. Jot that down: we're using ID#10 for Music message.
And we'll use ID#11 for Politics.
Now we can do the menu. Close out of behavior 4109 and go to the TTAB section.
Open up the Expensive Tree Table #129.
Fig. 1.98
#0 through #3 are already in use. Click the "Add" button to create
a blank Interaction …
Fig. 1.99