
LESSON 4 - Part 1:  Graphic States, Sprites & Draw Groups

Creating the process behaviors (continued)

Duplicate #4169, and make it:

Fig. 1.22

Duplicate the first two color-changing behaviors for each of the colors we have. Which colors in order are: Blue, Pink, Orange, Purple and Green. And in case you’re wondering, the answer is yes. We actually need behaviors for the object’s natural state because if we don’t include them, then Suzy Player will not be able to switch back to the original bed after she gets tired of looking at a fluffy pink thing.

All right. Your BHAV screen should look like this:

Fig. 1.23

Modifying The Individual Behaviors

Open #4170, the processor for the Blue bed. The global is called in the first statement and that is fine. But the second statement needs to be changed so that the Stack Object (the bed) will think it is blue and take on the “attributes” of the blue bed that are defined as “1”.