Recoloring the Pet Beds
We'll now create a "layer" and apply the color to that
layer. Just follow along.
At the top of your screen in the task bar, select Layers
> New Raster Layer.
We're going to use the blend mode, so you want to set the settings
like this:
Fig. 1.21
If you'll look at your Layers palette, you'll see that Layer 1
(the layer we just created) is selected. This means we are in that layer. Our
bed is actually in the layer beneath it. Now we apply color to the frame while
in the Layer 1.
Select your Paint Bucket tool:
Click on the foreground color swatch over on the right-hand side
where it says "Styles". when the box opens, click on your very first
little color button (blue), and then click "OK". Your paint bucket is
now filled with the correct color.
click on the selected area of your sprite (the bed frame) to fill
it with blue. Your sprite will look like this:
Fig. 1.22