Recoloring the Pet Beds
Now Press Ctrl + Shift + I (that's the letter i) to invert the
selection. Your sprite will look like this:
Fig. 1.16
The running ants now surround only the bed itself, meaning only
the bed is selected and not the yellow.
Now here's the part that's just a tad difficult, depending on
your eyesight. Zoom in if you have to. To the right, in the Overview palette,
there are some little magnifying glass icons you can use to either zoom in or
zoom out.
Fig. 1.17
Go back to the tool bar and click on the Magic Wand tool icon
to open the flyout once again. From there, select the Freehand Selection tool.
It looks like a lasso:
Fig. 1.18
Hold down your the Ctrl Key while doing this. Click anywhere on
the border/edge of the bed's cushion and trace all the way around
it going point to point with your lasso tool until you meet up where you started,
and then double click to finish off the selection. The idea is to DE-select the
cushion which is currently part of our selection.