S.S.o.W. Appliances with the Sim Logical Apartment Control Hack. These appliances function the same way as the 'regular' versions of these objects available in the 'Non-Apt' sections of the S.S.o.W. site, EXCEPT for being additionally hacked to work with the SimLogical Apartment controller and token.
To use the apt hacked versions of the objects, YOU MUST have the Apt Controller and Room Token (distributed as a single .far file) from Sim Logical installed in your games Downloads, or you may crash.
NOTE: Apartment hacked fridges REQUIRE the Apartment Hacked food files from Sim Logical
Well Stocked Fridge for Apts: Have you ever hungered for a snack other than a bag of chips? Have ever thirsted and were unable to find a vending machine? The Society's new and improved refrigerators hold not only the essentials for making your meals, they are also fully stocked with a variety of snacks and beverages you can enjoy between meals. Snacks include Maxis snack chips, Apple, Berries and Sandwich. (sandwich appears for HD or Vacation only). Beverages include Beer, Juice, Soda and Iced Tea (only juice and soda drinks are available to child Sims).
Well Stocked Fridge for Apts in White with Glass Doors
No expansion pack requirement
Brawn-Y Coffee Maker for Apts: It has long been a mystery why automatic coffee makers leech so much of the coffee bean's natural caffeine in the brewing process, but it is a fact that the coffee brewed in standard pots has hardly any energy benefit to Sims. Sims have thus often resorted to adding pure caffeine essence to their coffee, which unfortunately can become habit forming. The Society has developed a new brewing process featuring mesh rather than solid filtration devices, to ensure none of the bean's natural caffeine is wasted. Your Sim will enjoy a substantial energy boost, without being a total 'green up'. No EP required
Brawn-Y Coffee Maker for Apts in White
No expansion pack requirement

Snack-ro-Wave: Tired of heating the same old meals every day? The Society's new 'snack-ro-wave' technology reinvents the microwave, allowing Sims a wider range of choices in convenience food. Heat Nachos, Pizza, Hot Dog, Burger or Popcorn for a quick snack: no fridge required. Also functions as a regular microwave (Sims can prepare meals from the fridge in it).
'Snack-ro-Wave' Microwave for Apts in White
'Snack-ro-Wave' Microwave for Apts in Gray
No expansion pack requirement

Large Capacity Trash Can can holds more trash than the Maxis can before it needs to be emptied.
Large Capacity Trash Can For Apts: White Base
Large Capacity Trash Can for Apts in Blue
Large Capacity Trash Can for Apts in Black
No expansion pack requirement
Find non-Apartment Hacked kitchen furnishings that match these appliances on Better Kitchens page 2
Well Stocked Fridge for Apts in Harvest Gold
No expansion pack requirement
Strong Coffee Maker for Apts in Harvest Gold
No expansion pack requirement
Well Stocked Fridge for Apts in Colonial Blue
No expansion pack requirement
Strong Coffee Maker for Apts in Colonial
No expansion pack requirement
Well Stocked Fridge for Apts in Chocolate
No expansion pack requirement
Strong Coffee Maker for Apts in Chocolate
No expansion pack requirement

Well Stocked Fridge for Apts in Black with Smoky Glass Doors
No expansion pack requirement
Brawn-Y Coffee Maker for Apts in Black
Skin files included to keep the carafe lid black when the Sim pours coffee.
No expansion pack requirement
'Snack-ro-Wave' Microwave for Apts in Black
No expansion pack requirement
Nearly Napa overhead lighted cabinets and more details on Nearly Napa's hacked appliances are on Better Kitchens page 3

The Nearly Napa Kitchen Set for Apartments
This kitchen set features a unique cooker, the Nearly Napa Kitchen Stovetop Grill (*NoEP!*) that combines a stove with a barbeque grill. The cooker is fire-safe and sims will slowly learn cooking from using it. The apartment hacked BBQ food file (*NoEP!*) required for this grill is included in the zip.
Also included in this zip is the Nearly Napa Kitchen 'Dishtrasher' (*NoEP!*). This appliance is specially designed to allow Sims to wash BBQ meals in it.
A matching Kitchen counter (Hot Date or higher) completes the set