Deviant Dissonance Music Shop
The Deviant Dissonance Music Shop set was originally made by Melissa (CaliSims) for Deviant Sims in celebration of their One Year Anniversary in May of 2005. some files have been modifies slightly to remove unnecessary expansion pack restrictions.
At this shop your sims can purchase CD gift boxes to give to friends (HD), magazine (HD) or poster (SS) or just kick back, catch up on your light reading or just hang with DJ DisSonant ( and don't let our boy Sean worry you. He's just messing around ... we think.)
Deviant Dissonance Music Shop by CaliSims, with hacking by Raeven
Originals by Parsimonious, or by Maxis
Deviant Dissonance Music Shop Set
(Set of 26 with Skins):
- Disgruntled Cashier Sean with Register (HD) FIXED 2018
- DJ Booth & custom DJ DisSonant (HP)
- CD display with Custom CD Giftbox purchase (HD) *
- Poster Display Case (SS) *
- 4 Music Posters (readable)
- Magazine Display (HD) *
- Readable Magazine Display *
- Hacked Mirror (motive refresh) *
- 2 Video Monitors (HD+)
- Lighted Shop Sign (HD+)
- 3 Lights (HD+) *
- 2 Chairs *
- Sofa (HD+) *
- 2 Counters (HD+) *
- 2 Windows (LL+)
* Credits: Original sprites by Kate at Parsimonious
All items labeled "HD+" require Hot Date or higher (including Deluxe Editions which were released after Hot Date).
Any items labeled "HD" require Hot Date specifically.
Cash Register with Cashier Sean uses game animations: to see all Sean's animations you will need HP & SS installed. If you don't have those eps, Sean will have fewer animations, but you won't get a 'missing animation' bubble. (Base by SSoW ... naaah not exactly! Sean is actually the original Disgruntled Cashier.) Hot Date required
FIXED 2018: A flaw causing multiple cashiers to spawn if you didn't have SS installed has now been fixed. Thanks to Dramatica and Dukasha for locating and identifying it!
CD display set that sells a CD gift box set that your Sims can give to their friends. The gift box has been modified so it wont show up on any other display cases. (base by Parsimonious) Hot Date required
Poster Display sells Super Star posters, though the display shows my posters. Super Star required.
4 Readable Posters. Sims will read the posters & their reaction is based on their personality. When you direct your Sim to read the poster, you get a dialog box with information. When other Sims read, you are not given the dialog. 2 Rock posters are attractive to Sims who have high interest in Music (HD). The 2 Dance posters are attractive to Playful Sims. (Base by SSoW) No expansion pack required.
Readable Magazine Display. Based on an original object by Parsimonious, this is a hacked object by Raeven. Sims will randomly read newspapers, magazines & the tabloid from this rack (but they cannot browse or buy). Reading is fun only, no interests or skills are gained. If you have eps only before HD, your Sims can read newspapers (2 kinds), if you have HD, sims will read magazines as well. If you have SS, the tabloid is there too. No book reading.
Hacked Mirror: have your Sim 'view' the mirror to refresh the moods of all Sims on the lot. (base by Parsimonious)