The Turkish Baths, based on the real Victoria Bathhouse, was originally built by Bunny Wuffles as a residential lot. In addition to the unique and beautiful architectural elements that truly define the building, the lot comes semi-furnished and features a number of C&C hacked items guaranteed to keep your Sims fit, healthy, and happy.
Find (and learn about) the original theme at Bunny Wuffles' Architectural Supplies for SimsMy Spa Add-ons for Bunny Wuffles' Victorian Turkish Baths
Bunny Wuffles' put tremendous work into being as accurate as possible with her original Victorian Turkish Bath set. I, on the other hand, am playing it pretty 'fast and loose' with my add-ons. Spa steamers ("vapour cabinets") were a fairly controversial subject, it seems, and were only found in the more 'progressive' clinics where as traditional hospitals stuck with dry air treatment. I couldn't find any mention of mud, milk, or mineral baths in Victorian Hydrotherapy clinics at all. But it seemed a shame to not include these items for my Sims so here are some modern spa essentials to add to your traditional Victorian Bath lot.
- Spa Steamer (base by
- Spa Tub - pricing fixed so you are not unnecessarily charged double when on a date.
- 4 tiled spa bench (new hack)

Spa Bench (single tile chairs)
SSoW HACK! These chairs have been hacked to allow Sims to participate in conversation with others in the room who are also using spa objects (other benches, spa steamers, spa tubs, spa hottubs etc. The seats all still function as regular seats so will still be used for reading and resting, and the "spa talk" functions wont interfere with other talk functions (such as the chatting they do when having tea.) These were not designed as "dining chairs", however so you may have trouble using them at tables, desks, and the like.

A Reading Room for Bunny Wuffles' Victorian Turkish Baths
Obviously a reading room is a touch out of place in a bathhouse, BUT I did it anyway :)
The bookshelf can also sell magazines if a cash register is in the same room. Additionally, it has been hacked to work with the gender-doors so can be placed in the Ladies' or Gents' baths.
- 2 Sofasauraus style sofas
- 1 Bookshelf & Magazine Shop Display
- 3 Library Reading Racks (fun object)

& HD Magazine display
Library News Rack (fun object)
SSoW HACK! This "bookshelf" allows Sims to read newspapers, magazines or the tabloid (chosen at random), for fun instead of a book. No ep required, but having more EPs gives the Sims more reading options.
Graphics base by; Hack by