Simstrolo the Bard
busy your lot with extra buskers

Simstrolo is an entertainer NPC who will wander all over the lot, entertaining everyone in a variety of ways and raising fun and social. The more expansion packs that you have installed, the more entertaining he gets! Unlike most NPCs, Simstrolo is also autonomous so will poke around and use stuff like any other Sim
Placing The Ballad of The Thornless Rose on a residential lot allows you to 'Summon (and dismiss) Simstrolo at will. On residential lots, you also have the option of hiring him over the phone. To add him to location lots, simply hang The Ballad of The Thornless Rose anywhere on the lot.
Those who have enjoyed the 7 Merry Minstrels created as part of the 12th Night set at Simblesse Oblige are already largely familiar with how Simstrolo will behave. (My apologies to anyone who's been waiting on cloneable ones all of this time) Some changes have been made. Wilf's social interactions file is not used with this version (so, among other "look and feel" changes, jealousy might be triggered at time) and I have included a phone plugin along with the in-game spawner object (still needed on Location lots)