Skills (continued)
Select "Properties" from the menu and in the Name box, type something
to identify it as your skills chair. This is mine:
Fig. 1.19
I don't recommend doing the above unless you are sure you know what the OBJD
section is used for. If you don't and you later on want to study this object,
you'll have no idea what that line is about. Anyway, the point is, you can type
"Drop Dead" in there, and it'll be okay.
One more time. Select the Draw Group section (DGRP), right click on the line
in there and select "Properties". Then type in as follows under Name:
Fig. 1.20
One last time, and that will be it. I promise. Select the Sprites
section (SPR2) and change the adjoining line to read as follows:
Fig. 1.21