Skills Continued
OK. Getting back to adding our body point in behavior #4099, if you'll look
at the Animate Sim (id 1) statement, all it does is jump to the reset line or
go test for another type of chair — which to me seems ridiculous because
why test if all chairs are going to do the same thing — but since Maxis
hasn't yet asked for my opinion...we'll ever so graciously let it slide.
Right click anywhere in there and add a blank statement, which should be your
new #40.

Fig. 1.30
Let's go over to the Data box and fill in the correct information. Remember
that we're adding 1 body skill point and the code for Body is 17. I'm going to
leave it up to you to fill in the information, but when you're through, your Data
box should look like mine:

Fig. 1.31
And statement 40 looks like this:

Fig. 1.32