ILH :: LESSON 2 - Personalities, Skills & Interests

Time To Test

Fire up the game and test your chair. You'll probably have to tell the Sims to sit in the chair, but that's okay. We just want to make sure the Body Skill point is added when they do sit. Although the children don't have a "skills" section in the game, they indeed do pick up the skill point.

Another thing to remember while testing is that since we tied the skill point to the "sit comfy" action, unless the Sim completely sits into the chair, he will not acquire the skill point. So if he barely sits in and then gets up, make him sit back down. We'll handle this part in the next exercise.

Skills (continued)

So. Did the testing turn out okay? Of course it did. Because we're just terribly intelligent and we know everything there is to know. If it didn't work, you probably didn't focus, and you'll know what you can expect shortly, right?

Save a copy of the chair in your lesson folder for skills. We're about to try something else, and should the following go wrong, you'll still have a good copy of the chair from which to start over.

OK, folks. Bring your chair into IFF one more time, and let's add a couple more statements just to see what happens.

Go back into Behavior #4099 and add two blank statements. These two should be #41 and #42.

Select #41, and lets make this one provide some fun. Not too much, though. Only about 30%. Can you remember how to do that? No problem. We'll do it together. Go to the Data box and fill it in with this information:

Function:  2
Param 1:  15  [for fun]
Param 2:  30  [amount to add]
Param 3:  768  [add]
Param 4:  1806 [my motives]

Statement #41 now reads:

Fig. 1.34