ILH :: LESSON 2 - Personalities, Skills & Interests

Group 2 - Cooking Skill (continued)

The last behavior to modify is our test, #4113: "Sit in Chair test2". Open it up and you'll find the behavior contains 4 statements. For our test, we only need 1, so delete 3 of them. If IFF says you can't delete, simply change the True/False lines to read True/True, False/Error, or any combination thereof so long as it isn't a line number.

We now have one statement in there. Move to the Data box and let's fix it so this statement checks to see if a skill point can be added to the Sim's data. Enter the following information:

Function:  2
True Line:  True
False Line:  True
Param 1:  10  [skill code]
Param 2:  976  [total number of points that can be had]
Param 3:  256  [less than]
Param 4:  1810  [my person data]

Your single line statement behavior should read:

Fig. 1.59

Click OK to exit the behavior, and that's it for our Cooking Skill — except for adding it to the chair's menu so that it can be selected.

Select the TTAB section and open the table for our moderate chair.

Click the "Add" button beneath the Interaction Items. You'll get this:

Fig. 1.60