Additional Interests
Duplicate the test for The 60's which is #4105, and then name and number it
correctly for the Politics test. Here's mine:
Fig. 1.31
Your BHAV section should now have two more groups of behaviors. Does it look
like this?
Fig. 1.32
Good. Now you get to modify the behaviors you created! Go into the Music test
behavior and change it, and then do likewise for #4129 for the Politics test.
So, can we have a drum roll, please? Thank you. That was necessary because
now … now we get to the excrutiatingly Aghhhhh! part.
I'd like to show you something that we skipped over in our previous exercise.
Open behavior #4102: "Read Travel Book", rewrite it, and take a look
at this:
Fig. 1.33
You see the references to Constant 4097:1 in there? This means that the bookcase
is storing temporary information in 4097:1 while the Sim is earning the interest
point for Travel. This is very important, so we need to make a note of that.