Preparing The Pet Bed (continued)
While we're here, let's go ahead and modify the number of sprites stated within
the OBJD section. Double click Pet - Bed - Multiple to open it. Scroll down to
the "Graphics" section, and where it says "Number of Graphics"
change the number showing in the Decimal number box to “6”, our actual
number of sprites.

Fig. 1.6
The next part, while not at all difficult, is quite tedious and time-consuming.
Select the DGRP section again. We have 6 draw groups and we will follow the same
procedure for each of the draw groups shown. The first draw group, #300, is fine
as is because it is the original draw group. Therefore, I will describe how to
proceed for the Blue Bed, and then you will do exactly the same for the rest of
the groups.
Double click #301 Pet Bed Blue. You will get a question box that looks like
the one below. Click on the “yes” button to proceed.

Fig. 1.7