
LESSON 4 - Part 1:  Graphic States, Sprites & Draw Groups

Preparing the Pet Bed (continued)

Select 301 from the Sprite ID menu under “Item Properties”, and then click OK.

Fig. 1.16

Continue doing the above for every single one of the zooms. They are numbered 0 through 11. Make sure you get each one and double-check your work when you are through.

Note: If you miss one, the object will not work properly in the game.

Select the third draw group #302 – Pet Bed Pink and do the same for this draw group. Double-check your work.

Select the fourth draw group #303 – Pet Bed Orange and correct the sprite names and numbers.

Select the fifth draw group #304 – Pet Bed Purple and correct the sprite names and numbers.

Select the sixth draw group #305 – Pet Bed Green and correct the sprite names and numbers.

Creating the Process Behaviors

In order to be able to change the bed graphics in game, we need two behaviors to handle the process. The first behavior tells the game which graphic draw group to display, and the second behavior checks to make sure the draw group isn’t already in use.

We have a total of 6 draw groups; therefore we need a total of 12 new behaviors. Go to the BHAV section, right click anywhere and select “Add” from the menu. The first draw group is for the regular bed, so name your behavior like this:

Fig. 1.17

The new behavior #4168 will process the graphic changes when a player selects that option.