Creating the Process Behaviors
The Regular Bed’s behavior #4168 will look like this:
Fig. 1.19
Click OK to exit the behavior and then open up the TEST behavior for the regular
bed, #4169. Add one line here. It will read like this:
Function: 2
True Line: 254
False Line: 255
Param 1: 0
Param 2: 0
Param 3: 4096
Param 4: 1796
Look at the resulting instruction. You should be able to understand what it
is saying — if not completely, then at least in part.
Fig. 1.20
Translation: Hey, you! Pet Bed! Show yourself as the
Regular bed (attribute 0) if you aren’t already regular looking, that is
(not equal to 0).
Now that we know what it is we’re actually writing, we can go on and
duplicate the first two over and over until we have like behaviors for each bed
Duplicate #4168, and make it:
Fig. 1.21