The Galley
What did pirates eat?
We did some research and used our imaginations and came up with the following food for our fridge that is hearty and crude:
Salmagundi - this is a stew made up of whatever was at hand - mixed meats, vegetables, spices cooked up and served on a bed of salad leaves with a oil and vinegar dressing.
Fishy Stew - any fish - fresh or salted cooked up into a soupy stew.
Salt Pork n' Beans - Fresh meat was preserved by salting it. Dried beans were available in both the Old World (Europe) and the New world (the Americas).
Johnny Cakes - these are a Caribbean specialty of deep fried balls of dough.
The pirate meals shown are the ones created by Bag of Tricks for the pirate fridge.
Additional meals can be found with the ship's grill top stove and the tavern's buffet table.
Pirate Cool Chest on floor
Pirate Cool Chest on surface
This stove can be used for cooking or for grilling any one of three custom meals.
Pirate Cool Chest (fridge) with 7 custom meals - This barrel shaped fridge may be placed on the floor or on a surface. Instead of traditional (Maxis) meals this fridge serves a choice of 7 pirate meals.
Four of the meals, Fishy Stew, Salt Pork 'n' Beans, Johnny Cakes and Salmagundi (a Pirate pot Luck Stew) are regular meals cooked on any stove.
The Cold Sausage & Bread, is a hearty "quick meal" ready to eat straight from the fridge. A wedge of cheese or slice of bread replaces those modern day chips and, as a bonus, since there is no wrapper, these snacks leave no mess behind; No EP Required
Brick Grilling Stove with 3 custom meals - combines a stove with a grill so sims may do either at this single no-burn appliance (No fire risk). Some (very small amount of) cooking skill gain with each meal made/grilled up to 8.5 points. To raise cooking skill higher than that will require actively studying it.
All Sims may grill fish and those with a skill of 5 or higher will will also be able to grill the chicken or the meat.
This grill allows sims to prepare the meats before grilling them is a prep area is available which will boost the food points in these meals (just as it does with regular cooked meals); No EP Required
Our hearty thanks to Karin for sharing her research on 16th century ships with us!
The stove graphic base used for grill-topped stove is by
Pirate Counters
Meat and Game Rack
Salted Meat Tubs (Brine Barrels)
The baking oven shown with 2 grill top stoves forming a unique "3 tile" oven.
Pirate Ship Counters (set of 2) - Corners are invisible; Deluxe, Hot Date, or higher required
Meat and Game Rack (decor) - A decorative rack of different game and meats for your pirate store room or rustic kitchen. Meat when left to hang for a little while will become tender and develop in flavour - essential for all game; No EP Required
Brine Barrels (decor) - Fresh meat was preserved by salting it in these authentic 17th century brining tubs; No EP Required
Brick Baking Oven - Only MM users can actually bake. All others may use this as a decorative object; No EP Required
Brine Barrels are 2 rotation version of the All Surface Base by
The Sleeping and Living Quarters
Crew's Bunk
Captain's Shower
Crew's Shower & Changing Booth
Pirate Sink
Bunks for the Crew - Cloned from a Loveseat but gives much more energy when sleeping; Deluxe, Hot Date, or higher required
Captain's Shower - No EP Required
Crew's Shower & Change booth - Functions as both a shower and a clothes changing booth. Sims will receive a hygine boost when changing clothing and may also use this booth in place of "washing hands" if it is in the same room as them. Hacked for "no privacy" use; No EP Required
Sink - No EP Required
The Ship's Head for dark floors
The Ship's Head for medium floors
Ship's Toilet - dark wood Hacked for "no privacy" use and does not clog as easily. Cleaning and Flushing have been combined into a single action; No EP Required
Loo Seat Graphics by
Ship's Toilet - maple Hacked for "no privacy" use and does not clog as easily. Cleaning and Flushing have been combined into a single action; No EP Required
Loo Seat Graphics by