Wall Fixture Hack
About the Hack: "Wall Fixtures" are decorative items designed to become "part of the wall". They attach to walls but don't block other objects from being placed on the same wall and they do not use floor space.
Low EP Notation: No EP is required but due to the way Pre-Hot Date games work the object will behave differently in "Low EP" games. In Low EP games the object converts to a semi-rug-based object that can be placed in front of windows but doors will reject the object. Since the object is not associated with a specific section of wall the droppable versions will drop automatically if ANY portion of wall drops. (Woohoo - Thanks to Aponee for figuring that out along with all of the other help she offered)
These objects are categorized under Decorative/Other and priced at 10$.
Wall Fixtures that drop with walls
Note: this page uses the "OnClick" command allowing you to click the icons and view in-game pictures of the 6-in-1 light switches (if your browser's security settings allow this feature, of course). It is not needed for downloading.
6-in-1 Collections
6 in 1 Light Switches
two (2) rotation base
No EP required
6 in 1 Light Switches
four (4) rotation base
No EP required
Individual Fixtures
Wall outlet
two (2) rotation base
No EP required
(offset) (Set of 2)
Light Switch
four (4) rotation base
No EP required
The light switch and wall outlet graphics for these bases have been provided by Poetica of Poetica Place (where you can find the originals as part of her massive, awe inspiring Dream House set). She's given special permission to allow these to be recolored *cheer* - be sure to credit Poetica Place.
6-in-1 Vents
An example of the wall fixture hack applied to Vent objects
Industrial Vents (dark)
four (4) rotation base
No EP required
Residential Vents (white)
four (4) rotation base
No EP required