Sweet Tooth Ice Cream Machine from Olena
Oh my flibbity goodness!! So frickin' adorable, so frickin' cool (oof ugh bleh no! no pun intended there!!), freshly made ice cream for adults and kids alike, right in their very homes, even! I LOVES it! requires Hot Date and the Sim City soda machine
Find more of Olena's awesome work at her websites
Mathieu's "Rugs of Deposit"
Mathieu has gifted us with a set of money-making rugs! The only goal of these rug is to make cash each midnight. Buy the rug you can before midnight, midnight past and sell the rug for 5% of the cash invested. But warning the 2 midnight and the others will have effect on the bills, so I suggest you take the rug for only 1 midnight.
The zip includes all 5 rugs of deposit 20$, 100$, 1000$, 10000$, 30000$.
They are categorized in Build mode in the Pools section to make purchasing as easy as possible.
WoW goodies by Simnut
Simnut found out I was a World of Warcraft player and surprised me with these delightful items!! A rug based banner for the Alliance, a rug based banner for the Horde and an awesome character "mirror" lamp. I am so touched! Thank you!
4 Vintage Produce Posters from Aponee
Ten years later and I still swoon over these! They are so perfect!
Aponeez Sims is now closed but all of her great creations have been uploaded to yahoo groups:
Steampunk Gadgetry by Simnut

Steampunk Lighting by Simnut1 with New GUIDS
Steampunk Tank by Simnut1 with New GUIDS
It took me a while to stop playin' and actually get these shared with you folks but here's a couple of awesome steampunk pieces that Simnut1 created and gave to us as a gift. /swoon The glowy coil is an anywhere lamp (no ep required) and the tank is sculpture based (HD or higher required).
Steampunk Electronics by Aponee

Steampunk Wall TV by Aponee
Victorian Oil Lamp by Aponee
Steampunk Computer by Aponee
I am totally floored by this! Aponee, awesome generous object making goddess that she is, surprised me this morning with a simmified version of the absolutely gorgeous computer from the jaw-dropping The Steampunk Workshop.
Have you seen these other great gifts found throughout the site?
This dazzlin' Disco set by Simnut1

Gold Tent Window by Aunt B

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